Tuesday, 30 May 2017

3 happy cheers for the 514 Ryders!!!

Nigeria experienced a public holiday on Monday, in honor of the day we got our democracy. The biking community in Lagos state decided to spend it together and made sure the events didn't stop... First stop, VGC. To celebrate with the 514 Ryders motorcycle club as they clocked three (3).

It was a blast I tell you! These group of terrific guys were out to entertain us and make us feel at home. It was a nice mix of good food, good company, good music and of course good bikes. In my usual fashion... I'd let the pictures speak further.

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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Nick Hayden... Farewell to the last American.

Nicky Hayden has died, the Maurizio Bufalini Hospital have announced. Hayden was hit by a car while cycling in Italy on Wednesday afternoon last week. The statement said: "The medical college has confirmed the death of the patient Nicholas Patrick Hayden, recovering from Wednesday May 17 in a hospital intensive care unit of Cesena Bufalini as a result of serious multiple injuries occurred on that date."

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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

The day Ride Easy MC rode hard...

So the REMC rest & recreation ride was last weekend and boy was it a tight fixture? Those of us who know how we used ‘2do’, know we have to make it. Friday 28th was the date, take off points for the mainland and island groups were set, now the issue was the time. A couple of us had to be at work on Friday so we opted to leave later in the day. Daniel Flame (Host #1) and Dr. Jo (Host #2) were meeting us up on Saturday from Kotangora and Enugu respectively.
Batch 1a (Mainland) Leaving Lagos at 8 am

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