Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Abeokuta Bikers Converge 2016 in pictures (1)

Ok so the annual convention of Nigerian bikers popularly known as the Abeokuta Bikers Converge has come and gone for this year, and boy was it lit or what? Venue was... Yea you guessed right. Abeokuta! But this year's event had a tang to it. I'd sit back and let the pictures speak for themselves. Remember this is part 1 and these are not the official pics.... Henjoy (in Falz voice).

Ryker's ride duely represented.
Easy Riders MC Duely represented

Good Fellas MC duely represented.

514 Ryders MC duely represented

Ride Easy MC duely represented.

Families were not exempted.

BikerzDenn MC repping!

A cross section

Evening chilling

Awesome yea?

Burn out in progress.

GoodFellas MC setting out!

Okada crew repping!

One word!  VENOM!!
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